We Created The First ChatGPT Destroyer… 

World’s First Google AI Bard-Powered App 

That Legally Hijacks Any Video Online…

Making Us $695.34 Daily On Autopilot…

All Without EVER Creating Or Editing A Video

And Redirect All It's Views To Any Link We Want Instantly…

(So Easy To Use, You Can Even Control It WIth Siri-Like Voice Commands) Doesn’t Matter If It's Youtube, Vimeo, Or Even A Custom Video…

Without Technical Setup | Without Upfront Cost

Watch As We Hijack A Video Live And Use It To Build A List Of 1,595 And Generated $3,439.67 From It…

  • Ai Will Hijack Any Video You Want Within Seconds
  • Let AI Collect Hyper-Active List Directly From Inside Any Video You Hijack
  • Sell Any Product Directly Within Any Video You Hijack  
  • 1-Click Embed ANYWHERE On The Internet 
  • Built In AI Traffic Generator That Sends Us Thousands Of Views 100% Free
  • No Complicated Setup - Get Up And Running In 2 Minutes
  • Add Unlimited AI Interactive Elements To Any Video You Want. 
  • Add (Call-To-Actions, Buy Buttons, Download Button, Maps, Share Gates, And More) To Any Video You Want
  • Seamless Integration With Autoresponder And Any Payment Processor
  • No Ads Or Promotions Required. vAI Does It For You.
  • 99.99% Up Time Guaranteed
  • ZERO Upfront Cost
  • 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee

First 99 Action Taker Get Instant Access To vAI "Done-For-You + Profit Accelerator (Average User Saw 195% Increase In Profit (worth $1,997)

Get vAI Today And Save $231

Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

HURRY! The Prices Rises In...

Click Here Now To Get Started

(Free Commercial License + Low 1-Time Price ENDs Today Midnight EST)

WARNING: This Opportunity Disappears Once The Timer Hits ZERO!

You’re Just 4 Clicks Away

From Hijacking ANY Video

Step 1


Login to vAI Cloud-Based App

Step 2


Enter Any Video You Want TO Hijack (Youtube, Vimeo, Or Custom Video)

Step 3

AI Hijack

Let Our AI Model Hijack The Video For You, And Add Unlimited Interactive Elements To It.

Step 4


Yup that’s it. Each time we hijack a profit… We get payments like this: 

People Are Going Crazy Over vAI

Why Are They Going Crazy?

Let Me Tell You Why… 

We Hijack Our Competitor's Views

We let our competitors do all the hard work… Then with just one click and the help of AI… We *LEGALLY* Hijack all of their hard work

We Dominate Any Niche With vAI

It doesn’t matter what niche we are after. We CRUSH any competition in any niche with vAI

We Build Hyper-Active List From Our Competitors Views

We build out lists directly by leveraging our competitor's videos… All thanks to vAI and its powerful AI. 

We Send Any Link Viral With The Help Of Our Competitors Views

Imagine if there is a way to FORCE your competitor's fans and visitors… To share YOUR link all over the internet… Yup, that’s what we do with vAI 

We Sell Our Products Directly To Our Competitors Views

Not just build a list, We can also use AI to sell directly on our competitor's videos. All with one click.

We Turn Any Boring Video Into an Interactive Sales Machine With A Click

Everyone is using the same boring video players… Not us… We use our AI player to make hypnotic videos that captivate the users And turn them into sales EASILY

We Drive Thousands Of Views From Our AI Traffic Generator

Hijacking your competitor's views is not enough? Easy turn on vAI traffic generator… And watch thousands of clicks go to any link you want… 

We Embed Hijacked Videos Anywhere On The Web

It doesn’t matter where you wanna put your videos… WordPress? ClickFunnels? Wix? Custom Website? vAI got your back. Just copy one line and you’re done

We Dominate Youtube, Vimeo, And Even Custom Videos

We hijack any video we want. Not just youtube… We can dominate youtube, Vimeo, or basically any video… Even custom-made videos

Hi There, It's

Seyi Adeleke

I’m One Of The Few Humble Guys That Truly Makes Six Figures Online Every Single Month…

I’m incredibly blessed to have such an amazing lifestyle… But let me tell you this.

It didn’t happen easily, I wasn’t born with a golden spoon… I had to struggle most of my life to get where I’m now.

And because I know how it feels to struggle I made it my life purpose to try and change as many lives as I can. So, over the past years… I did exactly that

I Changed Countless Lives To The Better.

I can’t lie… Money is good and everything…

But getting messages like this on a daily basis is what keeps me going every… single… day…

The rush of happiness I get from a message like this beats anything else.

Knowing that I ended someone's struggle and finally gave them financial freedom. I gave them the key to do whatever they want:

Travel The World

Pay Off Their Debt

Quit The Rat Race

Spoil Their Spouse

I’m Here To Change Your Life Too…

I don’t care what level of experience you are right now…

Doesn’t matter how much money you have…

As long as you can follow simple instructions and have a few minutes per day

We’re good to go. We did it over and over.

With people from all over the world…

Let Me Show You Something Cool…

All of that money came from what I’m about to show you… I don’t have multiple businesses, or a trust fund… All I have is one thing… vAI

I just turn it on, and go back to enjoy my life…

And Everytime I Check My Account It Looks Like This...

This Month Alone… We Made $33,445.23 On One Of Our Affiliate Accounts…

And I’m Gonna Show You Exactly How I Do It…


vAI Is The World’s First App That Hijacks Any Video You Want And Let You Redirect Its Views… To Any Link You Want… 

No Video Creation Is Required Whatsoever. No Complex Setup, And No Upfront Cost.

Get Everything Done For You, Thanks To Google’s AI Bard…

Get vAI Today And Save $231

Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

HURRY! The Prices Rises In...

Click Here Now To Get Started

(Free Commercial License + Low 1-Time Price ENDs Today Midnight EST)

WARNING: This Opportunity Disappears Once The Timer Hits ZERO!

Let Me Show You vAI’s Insane Features…

“LEGAL” AI Video Hijacker

We took advantage of Google’s most powerful AI “BARD” 

And we unleashed its full potential to let us dominate that entire video industry… ​

It doesn’t matter what kind of video you want to hijack…

vAI got your back

AI Interactive Elements On Any Video

vAI comes loaded with dozens of AI… 

Those elements alone will EXPLODE your leads and sales… 

The best part is, you add them to OTHER people’s videos… This means you don’t have to create or edit anything… 

Just add the elements of your choice. And let our AI works its magic.

Here is just a FEW of the elements:

  • CTAs Buttons (e.g buy now, download now, etc 
  • Optin forms 
  • Countdown Timers
  • Maps 
  • Watermarks 
  • Social media shares
  • Quizzes & Surveys
  • And more…

AI Hyper List Builder

Let our AI model Collect leads directly from any video you want… 

Turn other people's views into your own list… Just add our interactive leads element 

And you will collect leads from all the viewers with no effort… 

Works with any major autoresponder you want…

AI Call-To-Action Embeder

Embed any call-to-action you want directly inside any video you want… 

These CTAs can lead to anything you want (website, affiliate link, eCom store, blog, or any URL you want)

AI eCom Store


With vAI, you can sell any products or services (digital, physical, affiliate offers, etc) you want directly from inside any video… 

This means you can sell anything you want to millions of viewers… 

Again, without creating or editing any videos…

AI Video “GATE”

Lock any video you want to be available ONLY after the viewer take a certain action… 

It can be a share, download, or subscribe… 

The video will be automatically available to the viewer once they take that action

AI Landing Page Generator

Create a landing page to embed your new hijacked video on… 

Best part is, you don’t need to write or design anything… 

vAI will automatically generate all the content for that landing page for you… 

And then design it for you

1-Click Embed, Anywhere

Embed your hijacked video with all the interactive elements you picked anywhere… 

Just copy one line, and paste it ANYWHERE… 

vAI integrate with (wordpress, shopify, clickfunnel, convertri, wix, or any custom website)

AI Data Analysis

Get all The Data you want in one easy-to-use dashboard… 

Let our AI model analyze everything for you… 

And let you take informative decisions

Blazing Fast Video Hosting

If you decided to host your videos with us… 

You will get to access our blazing fast, unlimited hosting… 

To host all your videos, no buffering, and no limits

No more paying huge monthly fees to wistia, Vimeo, or other video hosting platforms

Fully Customizable

Edit how your video looks and feel with just a few clicks… 

Choose the color, size, font, or anything you want… 

You don’t need any design skills… 

Just drag and drop

AR Integration

Easily Integrate any autoresponder you like and start collecting leads… 

We integrate with all the major platforms (GetResponse, Aweber, MailChimp…)

Payment Integration

Seamlessly connect with popular payment processors like PayPal and Stripe to receive instant payments directly within your videos. 

The path to profit has never been smoother.

Access To 5 Million Stock Media Pack

Access a treasure trove of 5 million+ royalty-free images, videos, illustrations, and GIFs for your interactive video campaigns.

Your creativity knows no bounds!

NO Video Creation Or Editing

We don’t create any videos with vAI, or even edit it… 

We hijack all our videos from Youtube, vimeo, or -if you want- custom videos. 

So rest assured that there is no need for you to be on camera whatsoever

Built-In FREE Traffic Generator

Say goodbye to the struggle for views and engagement.

Drive unlimited viral traffic to your videos with a single click and watch your sales soar!

Without spamming, and without spending a dime in ads.

Siri/Alexa Like Voice Control

vAI is incredibly easy to use… 

So easy that you don’t even need to click anything, you can use our Siri like voice feature… 

To generate hundreds of videos just by talking to the app…

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

There is zero risk for you… 

You get to try vAI for 30 days and if for any reason you don’t think it’s not worth its weight in gold… 

Just send us a message, and we will process your refund within 24 hours.

vAI Allows Us To Capitalize On Any Video…

Can you believe it? 

Any video I see online, that gets lots of views… 

I can hijack it with a click by using vAI

100% legally, and 100% ethically… With just a click, I turn their views… 

Into MY money…

In Any Niche…

In Any Part Of The World…

You can be in the fitness niche… Or dog training niche… 

You can be in USA, or deep in the sahara desert… As long as you have internet access, and access to vAI… 

You will be able to hijack any video, and turn it into daily paydays

vAI works for

  • Affiliate Marketers
  • CPA Marketers
  • Blog Owners
  • Product Creators 
  • eCom Store Owners 
  • Local Business Owners 
  • Agency Owners

Basically… If you wanna profit online 

vAI will help you do that… It will exceed all your expectations

ZERO Monthly Payment.

One thing I hate… Is looking at my credit card statement every month… 

And see that im being charged for something every month…

Call me cheap, but that’s who I am… 

That’s why I decided to make vAI a one-time payment program… 

Nothing to pay monthly. And zero extra to pay… 

vAI is all you need, my friend. Pretty powerful, huh?

But I Can’t Take All The Credit…

I would love to…

But I can’t, it’s all thanks to the one thing that is changing the world right now…

Artificial Intelligence...

It’s the backbone of vAI… And without it, I would probably still be stuck in my life… 

But it changed my life… and it can change yours too… It took my bank account from looking like this…

To this

In just a few days… Sounds good, huh?

How Does It Work?

Answering that question can take 100 pages… 

Why? Because vAI is very complicated… But that’s in the background… 

In fact, what you have to see, or do with vAI is dead easy…Everything happens in the background… 

However, all you have to do is just to tell vAI what you want using the Siri/Alexa voice command or enter any video keyword you want to hijack… 

This can be (Youtube, Vimeo, or any custom video you want) And within a few seconds, you will have the option to add any interactive elements to the video…

  • Collect email list
  • Add eCom Store
  • Add buy buttons 
  • Add CTAs
  • Add interactive map
  • Add share gates
  • Add Countdown timers

That’s Not All…

AI will allow you to embed your hijacked video ANYWHERE with just one line… 

You copy and paste it anywhere, and you are done… 

But it gets better, my friend… 

vAI will also take care of your traffic needs… 

Yes, you just hijack the video… And vAI will send additional thousands of views… 

Every single day… Without you doing or paying for anything…

How Is It Different?

Let’s play a game?

I would like you to go search online… 

And see if there is anything that comes close to what vAI does… 

If you did find something… 

Please email me at seyi@myvaiapp.com

And I will send you $100 directly… 

That’s how confident I’m in vAI 

It’s the only app in the market that can hijack ANY video online… 

And use it to build us a list like that 

And make us money like this

You’re Just 4 Clicks Away

From Hijacking ANY Video

Step 1


Login to vAI Cloud-Based App

Step 2


Enter Any Video You Want TO Hijack (Youtube, Vimeo, Or Custom Video)

Step 3

AI Hijack

Let Our AI Model Hijack The Video For You, And Add Unlimited Interactive Elements To It.

Step 4


Yup that’s it. Each time we hijack a profit… We get payments like this: 

Get vAI Today And Save $231

Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

HURRY! The Prices Rises In...

Click Here Now To Get Started

(Free Commercial License + Low 1-Time Price ENDs Today Midnight EST)

WARNING: This Opportunity Disappears Once The Timer Hits ZERO!

vAI Includes EVERYTHING You Will Ever Need To Get Started…

vAI Intuitive App

The only app that you will ever need in online business… 

You will manage everything from inside that same easy-to-use app

(Worth $997/mo)

AI Hijacker

All it takes is just one click to hijack any video you want. 

Just enter the URL (or upload) and AI will take care of the rest

(Worth $997)

AI Interactive Elements

Add unlimited interactive elements to any video you want 

And collect leads, sell, or redirect useer… directly from within the video

(Worth $997) 

AI Ecom Store

Sell any products or services (digital, physical, affiliate offers, etc) you want directly from inside any video

…And receive instant payment via Paypal, Stripe or Bank account

(Worth $997)

AI Traffic

No need to worry or pay for traffic.

vAI comes with the best traffic generator in the world for 100% free

(Worth $997)


This will allow you to also operate vAI, even from your mobile phone… 

Whether it’s an Android, iPhone, or tablet, it will work…

​(worth $497)

Training videos

There is NOTHING missing in this training… 

Everything you need to know is explained in IMMENSE details

(Worth $997)

World-class support

Have a question? 

Just reach out to us and our team will do their best to fix your problem in no time

(Worth A LOT)

Get vAI Today And Save $231

Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

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Click Here Now To Get Started

(Free Commercial License + Low 1-Time Price ENDs Today Midnight EST)

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Surprise Bonuses

Claim Your $4,585.66 Now

Look, it’s simple… 

We don’t want anything to stand in the way of you profiting from vAI… 

We went above any beyond to make this app the only thing you will ever need… 

But if that wasn’t enough… 

We also CUSTOM MADE bonsues for you that will elevate your experience with vAI… 

These are not just any bonuses… 

It was designed to help you fast-track your results with vAI… 

Let me show you

Cut Through The Clutter..

Making money shouldn’t be hard… 

In fact, i think the only reason you are not making what you desire now… 

Is the clutter you surround yourself with… 

Everyday there is a new product, a new method, and a new app… 

But with vAI you can rest assured that you won’t need any of that… 

Because vAI give you everything you need… 

This is exactly what happened to all of our beta-testers…

They all dropped everything they are doing and only used vAI And I’m happy to announce that each one of them made over $100 in less than 24 hours…

“I Probably Can’t Afford It…”

Im sure that’s what most of you think… 

An app that good, and delivering these results must cost a fortune… 

And even tho that’s true… 

I mean, considering how much vAI can make you… 

It would be no-brainer to charge you thousands of dollars for it… 

But hey, how can I prove that it will work for you, if i put such a high entry fee? 

And to be honest, i didn’t create vAI to help rich get richer… 

I created It To Help People Who Are Struggling To Get Started…

So, for a limited time only… 

I’m willing to give you full access to vAI 

For a fraction of the price 

Less than the price of a cheap dinner 

Which is enough for me to cover the cost of the servers running vAI

But I Can’t Do That For Long…

I hope you understand… 

But helping each customers is time and energy consuming… 

And my team and I can’t handle all of the new members… 

So sadly, after we reach our limit, i will have to take this page down… 

So, if you still can read this, please act now.

Because i can’t guarantee it will be active in the next minute or not.

Get vAI Today And Save $231

Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

HURRY! The Prices Rises In...

Click Here Now To Get Started

(Free Commercial License + Low 1-Time Price ENDs Today Midnight EST)

WARNING: This Opportunity Disappears Once The Timer Hits ZERO!

There Is No Time To Think…


I don’t want you to rush anything… 

Taking an informative decision is always a good thing… 

But with vAI, there is no much time left… 

Even the bonuses will expire soon… 

And with our insanely low price, you can’t afford to NOT buy it… 

That’s not all… 

We also removed ANY way that would make you regret buying vAI… 

Let me show you

We Will Pay You To Fail With vAI

Our 30 Days Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee

Look, vAI is not one of those “trash” or untested app 

We know what it’s capable of….

However, in the unlikely event that you fail to use vAI for ANY REASON.

We insist that you send us an email… Its simple, if you don’t make money

We don’t want your money…  We make more than enough with vAI. 

And no need to keep your money if you’re not gonna use it

Not just that… We will send you a bunch of extra software as a gift for wasting your time.

Worst case scenario, you get vAI and don’t make any money

You will still get access to other software as bonuses for trying it out.

Get vAI Today And Save $231

Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

HURRY! The Prices Rises In...

Click Here Now To Get Started

(Free Commercial License + Low 1-Time Price ENDs Today Midnight EST)

WARNING: This Opportunity Disappears Once The Timer Hits ZERO!

Here Is What You’re 

About To Access

vAI Intuitive App - (Worth $997/mo) 

AI Hijacker - (Worth $997/mo) 

AI Ecom Store - (Worth $997/mo) 

AI Traffic  - (Worth $997/mo) 

vAI Mobile EDITION  - (Worth $497/mo) 

Training Videos  - (Worth $497/mo) 

Bonus 1 - vAI 6-Figure In 60 Days LIVE Event  - (Worth 


Bonus 2 - vAI YouTube Live Cash  - (Worth $997/mo) 

Bonus 3 - vAI Traffic Booster  - (Worth $697/mo) 

Bonus 4 - vAI Social Media Automation  - (Worth $497/mo) 

Bonus 5 - vAI Internet Marketing Goldmine  - (Worth $697/mo) 


Total Value Of Everything 

You Get Today:

For Limited Time Only Grab It Now For:

$297 Monthly

TODAY, ONLY 1-TIME -  $16.95

Get vAI Today And Save $231

Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

HURRY! The Prices Rises In...

Click Here Now To Get Started

(Free Commercial License + Low 1-Time Price ENDs Today Midnight EST)

WARNING: This Opportunity Disappears Once The Timer Hits ZERO!

Act Now… 

Or Regret It Later

We made it impossible for you to love with vAI… 

You either fall in love with it and get results… 

Or you get your money back + free access to other software as bonuses… 

But if you decided to wait… 

You will either have to pay full price for it ($997/mo) 

Or the page will be done entirely… 

So, the only way to lose is to NOT buy vAI

Let’s Get You Started

You reading this far into the page means one thing.. 

You’re interested. 

The good news is, you’re just minutes away from your breakthrough

Just imagine waking up everyday to thousands of dollars in your account 

Instead of ZERO. 

On Your Success Shortcut…

Bad news is, it will sell out FAST 

So you need to act now.  Ready to join us?

Get vAI Today And Save $231

Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

HURRY! The Prices Rises In...

Click Here Now To Get Started

(Free Commercial License + Low 1-Time Price ENDs Today Midnight EST)

WARNING: This Opportunity Disappears Once The Timer Hits ZERO!

We’ll See You Inside,

Seyi Adeleke

PS: Just by being a quick action taker, you will unlock our special bonuses worth over $10,864. These bonuses alone will change your life.

PPS: Nothing else is required other than vAI. You don’t need to buy any other apps. And you don’t need to pay for anything else. 

PPPS: Remember, we removed ALL the risks from your end.

Get vAI now, and even if it didn’t work for you…  

We will send you a bunch of extra software as a gift just for wasting your time 

PPPPS: If you put off the decision till later, you will end up paying $997/mo


Instead of just a one-time flat fee. 

And why pay more, when you can pay less?

Get vAI Today And Save $231

Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

HURRY! The Prices Rises In...

Click Here Now To Get Started

(Free Commercial License + Low 1-Time Price ENDs Today Midnight EST)

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Do I need any experience to get started? 

Nop. None, Nada. All you need is internet. And you’re good to go

Is there any monthly cost?

Depends, If you act now, NONE. 

But if you wait, you might end up paying $997/mo

It’s up to you. 

How long does it take to make money?

It happen so fast, some of our beta-testers got shocked. 

Some of our beta testers got result same day of hijacking their first video.

Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?

We made sure that everything you need is in the bundle you’re about to buy now. 

Nothing else is required.  

What if I failed?

While that is unlikely, we removed all the risk for you. 

If you tried vAI and failed, we will refund you every cent you paid 

And send you other software as bonuses just to apologize for wasting your time. 

How can I get started?

Awesome, I like your excitement, All you have to do is click any of the buy buttons on the page, and secure your copy of vAI at a one-time fee 

Grab vAI Now! 

First 19 Only: Unlock $1k/Day AI Video Hijacker + Upgrade To A Faster Server + VIP Support.

(98% Of Customers Select This Add-on & Earn an Extra $1k Per Day)

Just $9.95 One Time (Normally $297)

“Don’t Be A Wuss!”

That’s the first thing my mentor told me…


I was frustrated due to the insane competition… 

And he just told me 

“Don’t be a wuss, you have to work harder than your competition”

To be honest with you… 

I didn’t like that… 

I knew there is a way to OUTSMART everyone without working harder than then…


I worked smarter… 

Not harder… 

I spent months… 

Trying to outsmart my competition… 

And boy… 

Am I glad that I didn’t follow my mentor’s advice… 

Wanna know why?

That’s 6 months of trying to  Outwork My Competition

  • Working a minimum of 10 hours per day… 
  • No time for my family or any kind of fun… 
  • Always stressed and never satisfied…

And despite all of that sacrifices… 

All I made at best was a few bucks 

3 Days Of Trying To Outsmart My Competition 

  • At my busiest, I work 5 minutes per day…  
  • I spend all the time I want with my family, and on things I LOVE.  
  • Finally broke out of the rat race, and happily LIVING Not surviving

I’m finally living the laptop lifestyle… 

I can work from anywhere in the world. 

And for the first time, I can safely afford to be anywhere in the world ;)  

Because everyday I make money like this on autopilot

All of that is simply because we outsmart our competition… 

My Mentor Was WRONG

I Went From Broke…

To “$1,000 Per Day” Club

Can you believe it? 

I went from struggling to pay for rent… 

Struggling to put food on the table… 

To make on average $30,000 per month…

Just by outsmarting everyone… 

Wanna know how I did it?

All I Do Is…

Hijack My Competition’s Views…

First… Let’s get one thing straight… 

What I’m doing is 100% legal and ethical… And yes, that’s exactly what I do… 

Instead of working myself on building my views and videos… 

I just hijack what other people already did… 

And leverage their videos, views, and audience… To make money… 

I simply use this: 

My Competition’s Videos

And turned it into THAT:

When I Say Hijack…

I Mean Take 100% Control…

We can do anything we want with these videos… 

Through what I like to call “AI Interactive elements”

Here is what you can do to any video that you hijack… 

Add Optin Form

Add Buy Button

Add Interactive Map

Add Countdown Timers

Add Any CTAs

Add Share Gates

Sell Products Within The Video

Redirect All Traffic To Any Link You Want

That’s just a fraction of what’s possible with vAI… 

You May Be Wondering…

Why Videos?

That’s a fair question… 

And to answer that… 

Let me show you something…

The below stats are done by one of the most respected companies in the world… 


And after reviewing billions of data… 

This is what they got to say about videos… 

When was the last time you saw a percentage that high?

That’s 9 out of 10 people getting good ROI from videos…

People love watching videos… They spend HOURS every day watching them…

Imagine how much money you can make… If you utilized the power of videos in your business…

But Creating Videos Is NOT Easy…

Do you know how hard it is… 

To write a GOOD script… 

Shoot the video… 

Edit the video… 

Then market it? 

It literally will take you DAYS just to create one video… 

And you need way more than one video if you want to see significant results… 

And even if… You did all that hard work… 

There is no guarantee that your videos will make you any money… 

Even Outsourcing Videos Will NOT Work…

If you thought… 

That you can just outsource video creation… 

You are in for big trouble… 

Why? Because it’s ulta-super-very expensive… 

To create a decent video… 

You can expect to pay $500 per video… 

So, if you wanna post just 1 video per day… 

You will have to pay about $15,000 per month Again… 

With zero guarantees that it will work…

This Is Exactly Why We…


No other app can do this… 

Instead of creating a video from scratch… 

HOPING that it will work… 

Instead - we hijack our competitor’s videos… 

And use it to our advantage… 

They create the video, promote it… get millions of views… 

And we just come in and hijack everything… 

Turning their videos into our cash machine…


It’s way easier than you think… 

If you think there is any work involved in hijacking… 

You are wrong, my friend… 

We don’t create, upload, or edit anything… 

All we do is copy ‘n’ paste any video URL we want… 

And our AI model will automatically do the rest for us… 

It will hijack all of its views, and use it to make US money… 

We Leveraged Google’s AI Itself…

It’s actually funny… 

We started out by using Google’s newest AI model… 


And used it against any youtube video… 

By against, I mean “to hijack it for our benefit” 

But then, once we see the potential… 

We expanded on it… 

And created our own AI model


We Can Hijack ANY Video…

Not just youtube… 

Now, we can leverage any video on youtube or Vimeo… 

Or even any custom video you have… 

It doesn’t matter… 

vAI will do the work for you… 

We Add Unlimited…

AI Interactive Elements…

It’s a mouthful to say… 

But it’s what makes all of this possible… 

What’s the point of hijacking a video… 

If we are not going to benefit from it? 

And to benefit from it… 

We use AI Interactive Elements… 

Here, let me show you… 

Let Me Show You vAI’s Insane Features…

“LEGAL” AI Video Hijacker

We took advantage of Google’s most powerful AI “BARD” 

And we unleashed its full potential to let us dominate that entire video industry… ​

It doesn’t matter what kind of video you want to hijack…

vAI got your back

AI Interactive Elements On Any Video

vAI comes loaded with dozens of AI… 

Those elements alone will EXPLODE your leads and sales… 

The best part is, you add them to OTHER people’s videos… This means you don’t have to create or edit anything… 

Just add the elements of your choice. And let our AI works its magic.

Here is just a FEW of the elements:

  • CTAs Buttons (e.g buy now, download now, etc) 
  • Optin forms 
  • Countdown Timers
  • Maps 
  • Watermarks 
  • Social media shares
  • Quizzes & Surveys
  • And more…

AI Hyper List Builder

Let our AI model Collect leads directly from any video you want… 

Turn other people's views into your own list… Just add our interactive leads element 

And you will collect leads from all the viewers with no effort… 

Works with any major autoresponder you want…

AI Call-To-Action Embeder

Embed any call-to-action you want directly inside any video you want… 

These CTAs can lead to anything you want (website, affiliate link, eCom store, blog, or any URL you want)

AI eCom Store


With vAI, you can sell any products or services (digital, physical, affiliate offers, etc) you want directly from inside any video… 

This means you can sell anything you want to millions of viewers… 

Again, without creating or editing any videos…

AI Video “GATE”

Lock any video you want to be available ONLY after the viewer take a certain action… 

It can be a share, download, or subscribe… 

The video will be automatically available to the viewer once they take that action

AI Landing Page Generator

Create a landing page to embed your new hijacked video on… 

Best part is, you don’t need to write or design anything… 

vAI will automatically generate all the content for that landing page for you… 

And then design it for you

1-Click Embed, Anywhere

Embed your hijacked video with all the interactive elements you picked anywhere… 

Just copy one line, and paste it ANYWHERE… 

vAI integrate with (wordpress, shopify, clickfunnel, convertri, wix, or any custom website)

AI Data Analysis

Get all The Data you want in one easy-to-use dashboard… 

Let our AI model analyze everything for you… 

And let you take informative decisions

Blazing Fast Video Hosting

If you decided to host your videos with us… 

You will get to access our blazing fast, unlimited hosting… 

To host all your videos, no buffering, and no limits

No more paying huge monthly fees to wistia, Vimeo, or other video hosting platforms

Fully Customizable

Edit how your video looks and feel with just a few clicks… 

Choose the color, size, font, or anything you want… 

You don’t need any design skills… 

Just drag and drop

AR Integration

Easily Integrate any autoresponder you like and start collecting leads… 

We integrate with all the major platforms (GetResponse, Aweber, MailChimp…)

Payment Integration

Seamlessly connect with popular payment processors like PayPal and Stripe to receive instant payments directly within your videos. 

The path to profit has never been smoother.

Access To 5 Million Stock Media Pack

Access a treasure trove of 5 million+ royalty-free images, videos, illustrations, and GIFs for your interactive video campaigns.

Your creativity knows no bounds!

NO Video Creation Or Editing

We don’t create any videos with vAI, or even edit it… 

We hijack all our videos from Youtube, vimeo, or -if you want- custom videos. 

So rest assured that there is no need for you to be on camera whatsoever

Built-In FREE Traffic Generator

Say goodbye to the struggle for views and engagement.

Drive unlimited viral traffic to your videos with a single click and watch your sales soar!

Without spamming, and without spending a dime in ads.

Siri/Alexa Like Voice Control

vAI is incredibly easy to use… 

So easy that you don’t even need to click anything, you can use our Siri like voice feature… 

To generate hundreds of videos just by talking to the app…

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

There is zero risk for you… 

You get to try vAI for 30 days and if for any reason you don’t think it’s not worth its weight in gold… 

Just send us a message, and we will process your refund within 24 hours.

vAI Is Your Gateway To The Laptop Lifestyle…

Bonus 1

vAI 6-Figure In 60 Days LIVE Event

Get VIP access to our live mastermind event and copy n’ paste our vAI underground system we use to make 6-figure in 60 days. This alone is worth 5x what you will pay today, and it’s yours for free!​ (Value $1997)

Bonus 2

vAI YouTube Live Cash

Discover the “Secret Tricks” Which Will Lead You Straight Into Generating Huge Profits From YouTube Live Videos like Never Before, without having to create, record or edit any video. Combine with vAI & get insane results. 

Value ($697)

Bonus 3

vAI Traffic Booster

Discover The Top-Secret Tips And Strategies To Get Tons Of Traffic To Your vAI videos & landing page , and Boost Your Sales! ​ Use this system to solve all your traffic problems and get an avalanche of targeted visitors bombarding your videos, website and offers… Day in & day out (Value $697)

Bonus 4

vAI Social Media Automation

If you have a social media account you can get paid on automation using vAI to attract millions of these social media users to your interactive videos without doing extra work or trying to pitch anybody.

This Automation works on virtually every social media account integrated with your vAI app. (Value $497)

Bonus 5

vAI Internet Marketing Goldmine

Discover the easiest way to create a profitable online business that makes you money while you sleep & how to scale up your results to from 3-4-5-6 figures/month.​ ​

(Value $697)

BTW - There Is More Unannounced Bonuses Waiting For You Inside…

I like to shower my customers with value… 

And help each and everyone personally to get results… 

That’s how I’m able to stay in business and be #1 vendor year after year…

AI Interactive Elements - (Worth $997/mo) 

Location : London, U.K

Get vAI Today And Save $231

Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

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(Free Commercial License + Low 1-Time Price ENDs Today Midnight EST)

WARNING: This Opportunity Disappears Once The Timer Hits ZERO!

Get vAI Today And Save $231

Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

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(Free Commercial License + Low 1-Time Price ENDs Today Midnight EST)

WARNING: This Opportunity Disappears Once The Timer Hits ZERO!

[I spent 3 years running my business, and I’m always in surviving mode, trying to make ends meet. 

Some months are better than others, but overall. Not so good. 

All of that changed when I started using vAI. 

I spend 15 min per day managing it, and that 15 min added a bit under $10,000 to my bottom line every month. 

vAI is nothing short of magic

James L.

Let's get one thing clear I NEVER made a single dime online. 

However, I got scammed MULTIPLE times. Always chasing the next shiny object. 

And when i bought vAI i thought it’s going to be my next shiny object 

But man, was i wrong The first day i ran it, i hijacked a video with 3.4 million views  And after 1-2 hours I made my first $100 I CAN”T BELIEVE IT. 

The first money I ever make online

Kelly M.

DISCLAIMER: I got a free copy of vAI for being a beta-tester And testing this app was the best thing that ever happened to me. 

I’m easily making $500 a day And guess what? 

I just submitted my 2-week notice at my DREADFUL job Life couldn’t be any better Thanks, Seyi for this GOLDEN opportunity

Drame Y.

After using vAI for 2 months, im happy to say that it just made me $11,546.45 In PURE PROFIT You know what’s the best part? 

I didn’t touch it except in the initial setup Other than that, it worked on autopilot.

Faith D.

I’m a RN, and i love my job. 

But let’s be honest. 

I can barely survive on my salary Especially since I’m a single mother And Seyi, you completely changed my life. 

I use vAI (btw i still don’t know how it really works lol) And I make about $3,000 extra per month Which is enough to allow me to do the job I love. 

And live a comfortable and safe life

Jessie H.

Just wanted to send you this quick message Seyi to let you know how grateful I’m for allowing me to try vAI It took me more than usual to set it up, about 2 hours or so I’m not a tech person. And i hate computers. 

My grandson helped me login and configure it 

But it’s finally working And i keep getting sales notifications in my emails If you are reading this and on the fence, BUY VAI NOW

Mia A.

Disclaimer: WarriorPlus is used to help manage the sale of products on this site. While WarriorPlus helps facilitate the sale, all payments are made directly to the product vendor and NOT WarriorPlus. Thus, all product questions, support inquiries and/or refund requests must be sent to the vendor. WarriorPlus's role should not be construed as an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in the marketing of these products

This website in no way is affiliated with Facebook or YouTube entities. Once you leave Facebook the responsibility no longer is on their site. We make every attempt to clearly state and show all proof. We do not sell your email or any information. CAN-SPAM compliant. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us here. All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners. 

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by any business listed on this page nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by any other company listed on this page. The results shown are not typical and results will vary based on your market, your efforts, competition and many other factors outside of our control. 

The conditional guarantee is not a promise of payout whatsoever. It's merely there to show you that we're confident about what we're offering. To qualify for the conditional guarantee you must show clear cut evidence that you've done the work and asked for help and we weren't able to solve the problem

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